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74 paginas con ilustraciones en b/n de Diane Mowat
'Colección de Textos Clásicos Latinos. Crestomatía Latina', numero coleccion(v. XVI). De bello civili. Liber 1. Liber primus. Texto latino.
Il romanzo narra la storia di un giovane, Tommaso Puzzilli, che vive nella borgata romana di Pietralata. Egli, insieme ai suoi compagni, conosce la fame e la delinquenza, organizza furti e si prostituisce, degradandosi sempre di più con comportamenti violenti e animaleschi. Quando Tommaso si innamora di Irene si prospetta un'occasione di cambiamento, che...
Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Sysndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome, and Others
Editorial: Vicens Vives
Editorial: Vicens Vives
14,42 €
Une momie, une malédiction et deux adolescents qui n'ont peur de rien, témoins d'épisodes inquiétants et de coïncidences étranges...Les deux amis parviendront-ils au sommet de cette entreprise surhumaine ?Les dernières pages présentent les instructions pour faire une vidéo.
Texto latino con traducción literal y literaria y notas históricas por Valentín García Yebra.
De Deo uno et trino. De Deo creante et elevante. De peccatis.
POESÍAS (Selección) Introducción, notas y vocabulario de José Vergés
Cátulo,Cayo Valerio
Editorial: Bosch
Editorial: Bosch
6,73 €
Introducción, notas y vocabulario de José Vergés
LA GERMANIA Texto latino y castellano con notas
Tacito,Cayo Cornelio
Editorial: Santarén
Editorial: Santarén
16,35 €
Gayo o Publio Cornelio Tácito?? (c. 55-c. 120) fue un político e historiador romano de época flavia y antonina. Escribió varias obras históricas, biográficas y etnográficas, entre las que destacan los Anales y las Historias.
Texto, traducción, ordenación directa y versión interlineal por Jaime Velázquez Arenas. Texto en latín y en español.
Aims to present a comprehensive, beautifully reproduced visual coverage of French Impressionism in the Tiny Folio format. In this small format it becomes a pocket guide for collectors, dealers, and those who are interested in impressionism and beautiful pictures.
A tour of Pablo Picasso's museum. This book represents his own work and work by other artists in his personal collection - including Balthus, Cezanne, and Matisse. The collection is housed in a 17th-century dwelling in the heart of old Paris.
One of the world's finest art collections is presented here in tiny format. The full-colour images have been carefully chosen by the Director of the Louvre to highlight the very best of this outstanding collection and the photographs have been specially commissioned for this Abbeville edition.
Texto clásico en latín. Construcción directa y versión literal por Luis Segalá y Estadella.
What happens when children co-operate with invaders from the stars? What does a modern little girl do when a wolf eats her grandmother? Who is the terrible 'pigman'? Can marriage survive middle age? These are some of the questions dealt with in the eleven stories in this collection. The stories, by important modern authors, have been specially selected...
CONTES DE PERRAULT Tome II Ilustrés par Paul Durand (Francés)
Editorial: Deux Coqs d´Or
Editorial: Deux Coqs d´Or
22,12 €
Charles Perrault (Paris, 12 janvier 1628 16 mai 1703) est un écrivain français, principalement reconnu pour avoir donné une forme littéraire à des contes classiques pour enfants tels que Peau d'âne, Poucette, Barbe bleue, Cendrillon, La Belle au bois dormant, Le Petit Chaperon rouge et Le Chat Botté, tempérant dans de nombreux cas la grossièreté des...
Le Roy Ladurie,Emmanuel (Preface)
Editorial: La Nuée Bleue
Editorial: La Nuée Bleue
19,23 €
catalogue de lexposition réalisée à linitiative de la Bibliothèque nationale à Strasbourg en léglise Saint-Paul et à la Bibliothèque nationale
The athletes of the ancient world assemble in Athens for the Olympic Games. Asterix and the Gauls enter too, but they're due for a setback. As an artificial stimulant, magic potion is banned. Can our friends win at the Games without it? And what's the special ingredient of the other potion, the one in the cauldron in the shed with the door that doesn't...
Le roman est divisé en deux parties : la première partie retrace le parcours de Julien Sorel en province, dans une petite ville nommée Verrières, en Franche-Comté puis à Besançon, et plus précisément son entrée chez les Rênal, et sa passion pour Mme de Rênal, de même que son séjour dans un séminaire ; la seconde partie porte sur la vie du héros à Paris...
Doyle,Sir Arthur Conan
Editorial: Penguin
Editorial: Penguin
9,62 €
Level Two.
The graded readers in this series aim to provide learners of English with a pleasurable reading experience. The series, which should appeal to a wide age range, exposes students to a variety of styles and kinds of English and the books contain puzzles and exercises based on the text.
A 22,000 ton whaling ship steams into a broken plain of white, glimmering ice during the howling fury of an Antarctic gale. What madness drives the ship forwards, deeper and deeper into the ice until its jagged edges hold her fast? Marooned amidst the pitiless, frozen wastes, the crew of the Southern Cross make a desperate attempt to survive against the...
Heinemann Guided Readers Intermediate
The Pearl is an enduring and classic fable, sensitively told, in simple and beautiful language. It is the story of a fisherman who found a pearl beyond price, the Pearl of the World. With the pearl, he hoped to buy peace and happiness for himself, his wife and their little son. Instead he found that peace and happiness are not to be purchased. They are,...
Edouard d'Alteyrac, Mirose, Laurence, Alcide et Charlotte, tous sont des héros lucides, chaleureux, tous ont une réelle gourmandise pour la vie et, surtout, une saine aspiration au bonheur. Mais si les uns connaissent, d'instinct, la bonne voie pour y parvenir, les autres l'ignorent. Tous la cherchent cependant. Cette quête donnera lieu à bien des...
Dans une petite ville française, un vieil homme et son neveu souhaitent acheter un terrain après le décès de sa propriétaire, Florette, pour y planter un champ d'illets. Mais apparaît le fils de cette femme, un bossu nommé Jean, très idéaliste et entreprenant, qui à son tour se consacre à l'élevage de lapins sur la propriété. C'est ainsi qu'une guerre...
This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. Through different voices, this book explores the 'Two Worlds' of immigrants to Britain: the home they left and the home they are now in. The characters outline their reasons for leaving their home country and their...
Au début du siècle, Mme Herpain trompe son mari et ébranle l'équilibre bourgeois de sa famille. Denise, leur fille, exaltée et orgueilleuse, grandira en se forgeant une morale contre l'indignité de sa mère, dans la promesse de ne jamais lui ressembler... Y parviendra-t-elle?
Mantenga vivo su inglés.
Mantenga vivo su inglés.
The relationship between culture and urbanism has been the focus of much discussion and debate in recent years. While globalisation tends towards a homogeneity, successful 'global cities' have a strong individual - and particularly cultural - identity. The economic value of the culture of cities lies not only in the arts taking place there but also in the...
RUDE AWAKENINGS Zen, the Kyoto School and the Question of Nationalism
Heisig/Maraldo (Editors)
Editorial: Hawaii
Editorial: Hawaii
11,06 €
Can Zen tell us whether particular wars are right or wrong? What role did D. T. Suzuki and other Zen figures play in the Japanese nationalism that fueled World War II? What are we to make of nationalistic elements in the thought of Nishida Kitaro, Tanabe Hajime, Nishitani Keiji, and other philosophers of the Kyoto School? What connection was there between...
THE GIFT OF GENERATIONS Japanese and American Perspectives on Aging and the Social...
Editorial: Cambridge
Editorial: Cambridge
29,81 €
This is a comparative study of aging and the social contract in Japan and the United States. By using quantitative and institutional data as well as absorbing life histories, the book explores the different cultural definitions of vulnerability and giving, and the ways they shape and constrain helping arrangements.
Ernest Ezra Mandel was a Belgian economist, historian and politician. He was one of the leaders of Trotskyism after the death of Leon Trotsky.
THE HEIGHTS OF MACCHU PICCHU (Poemas en Bilingüe Inglés-Español)
Editorial: Noonday
Editorial: Noonday
11,06 €
Picasso's Guernica, Joyce's Ulysses, Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, Kafka's labyrinths... among those few safe customs of 20th century art, there is also the Heights of Machu-Picchu by Chilean Pablo Neruda, a great figure of world poetry. In this famous poem all the anguished and dazzling lyricism of the great writer merges.
Para el aprendizaje del inglés.LECTURA DE 5º DE PRIMARIA
Para el aprendizaje del inglés.Ali Babas life changes on the day he sees forty thieves hiding their treasure in a secret cave and hears the thieves leader say the words Open Sesame to get into the cave. But before Ali and his family can enjoy the riches, Ali finds there are many dangers they have to face
Para el aprendizaje del inglés.
Abridged and simpified by Richar Hall
Para el aprendizaje del inglés.